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View Full Version : instrument lighting tip

09-07-2006, 07:25 AM
I was speaking with a friend regarding the dim lighting on my instrument cluster. Besides recommending cleaning the conducting points, he asked me if the white bezel had "yellowed", and said that if it had, then to paint the interior of the bezel gloss white. It made sense. So as I'm replacing the standard instrument set with the tic-toc set, I painted the interior of the bezel gloss white and it really does make a difference in the brightness.

I removed all of the instruments with just a few screws and nuts. I realized that the green light bulb covers had a very small weld and could not be removed, so I taped them to avoid over spray.

It's such a simple thing to do that I thought I'd pass it along. Don't expect it to be as bright as a modern day car, but it is an improvement from what I had.

The pic below shows the difference from the original surface and the painted surface. Hope that this helps you too.


09-12-2006, 10:54 AM
Great tip!

I'll be doing this soon. I have 3 rally pak instument clusters, which I hopefully can assemble one good one from, that I will be putting in my car soon.

I've asked many times in other forums about the EXACT wiring needed to hook one up on a non rally pak car.

If you do that succefully, please let us know.

edit: just saw the other thread on this, I'll watch there.

09-14-2006, 09:14 AM
Well, you've got one more instrument cluster than me. From two, I assembled a set so that everything works except the amp meter. I've sent away the clock to get a quartz "heart" to Instrument Services 800 558 2674. The main difference between the wire harness for the rally pak was the six wires instead of the 5 that plugged into the back panel pins. I also had a bit of trouble finding the tach wiring diagram in the service manual. Good luck with yours.