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View Full Version : Winterizing

09-08-2006, 06:15 AM
This is the first year, which I have had my 69 Javelin on the road. I live in Ontario Canada so I have to put my car to sleep for the winter. What should I be doing?
Example : with the battery?

Big Bad AMX
09-10-2006, 04:40 PM
Assuming your car is stored indoors during the winter; for the battery I use a Battery Tender http://www.batterytender.com/ to keep my AMXs battery charged and ready to go in the Spring. It's not a bad idea to disconnect the battery if you're storing the car for months at a time. Shop around for the Battery Tender though as prices can vary by quite a bit.

Other than that I wash, wax, clean and vacuum the car. And use leather or vinyl protectants on interior and rubber. Be sure to clean the undercarriage too. Then it's change the fluids, grease it, fill the gas tank (to keep it from rusting) and you may want to put Sta-Bil (http://www.goldeagle.com/sta-bil/) or a similar product in the fuel tank. And check/change anti-freeze. Check the air pressure in the tires. You may want to look into products to keep mice and other critters from nesting in it if you think you may have problems with them.

That's about it for what I do for my AMX.

You'll find other tips by doing a search for Winter Car Storage such as the article here (http://www.techguys.ca/howto/winter.html) or here. (http://www.constant-content.com/article/9345/Winter-Car-Storage---How-to-store-your-car-for-a-Long-Period-of-time/)
