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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Edmonton, AB

    Default Jim Richards is at it again.

    After crashing his Javelin back in 2012, 2015 finds Jim back racing his Javelin again.

    Jim Richards has come away from the opening round of 2015 Touring Car Masters series delighted with the first up performance of the new Shannons AMC Javelin which has taken two years to build.
    The team had to start from scratch after the original car was badly damaged at Sandown forcing Richards to source a new shell and start again.
    You can read the whole article

    Let us hope this season Jim comes out on top.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2


    The new paint scheme looks great. Here's Jim in action, Race 1 at Adelaide. These guys definitely run 'em full-tilt boogie!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Edmonton, AB


    I think it is great that he was able to find another car so that he could be racing with an AMC. It could not have been an easy task to find one down under, and he has found two. I look forward to watching the races the base I can with Youtube. Almost work looking into TSN if they cover it here.


  4. #4


    Yeah, this is the best racing out there today, IMO. Thanks for starting the thread. I have found no one that streams these races live to the U.S. Wish I could, I'd love to watch it live. Haven't found any video footage of it outside of Youtube either. Please post if you find another source.

    This just in from a friend of mine in Melbourne -

    "Race #3 from this weekends TCM round at Winton in country Vic.

    Watch on full screen with volume up & see how serious these guys are.

    Jim & his guys are still playing with getting the right setup on the Javelin but are keeping pace & nipping at the heels of the front runners.
    As I’ve mentioned before the level of competition this year has been raised to a new level,more ex-top racers & a new mix of cars with the established ones improving all the time.

    John Bowe was paid to race in a newly built Holden this weekend that is as quick as lightning & rested his Mustang.
    As the championship is decided on drivers results it won’t do his championship standings for this year any harm.

    Next round is at the “top end” in Darwin & is normally suited to the big high horsepower cars so I’m kinda hoping/expecting the Javelin to show some form.
    Will keep you posted.

    If you get links or prompts for races 1 & 2 they are well worth the watch as well. (and a six minute interview with Jim prior to today's race)

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