Fuel costs and options?
Since it looks like another summer of record gas prices and little relief in sight I'm curious to what your thoughts are on possible solutions.
Have you changed your daily driving habits? Will you still go on a driving vacation this summer as previously?
What's the best alternative? Hybrids, Hydrogen, Methanol, Domestic drilling? Is an increase in production enough? Or?......
And next winter it'll likely be heating expenses again. How about heating oil? Should dollar for dollar tax credits be given for homes that opt for solar hot water heat? What other options are there?
There's no right or wrong answers, just wondering what ideas you may have on any or all of these questions.
Some thoughts
It would appear that us consumers are caught between a rock and a hard spot. The oil companies kind of own anything related to fuel and it's alternatives and we are going to pay a high price no matter what we do. The companies own the methonal and the ethonol additives and they own the so call hybrids (yea my spelling isn't good) technology. It is my belief that it isn't going to do much good to try and change driving habits. Many people have already changed their habits and the reward for doing so is nothing more than record high prices at the pumps. President Bush had the right ideas as far as drilling in Alaska, but was somewhat thwarted by a bunch of enviromentalists who bemoan the fact over and over again that we may damage the local area there and the so forth.
Sometimes I feel that for every ten of thousands of people who want it, there is 20 people who do not want it and they have the money to litagate something to death.
The era of cheap oil is over and us as consumers are going have to come up with something that is more economical for the long run. What? I do not know at this time, but someone who is smarter in the engineering department will eventually come up with something I guess. Perhaps someday they will deveople an engine that can run on seawater.
I left out Public Transportation, though it has limited availability in many areas is there an increase in its use in your area (if you have it)?
Like you said we're stuck in the middle. Changes will be needed in the long run, but what? I think the hybrids are the easiest transition with hydrogen being a long range goal. I don't think electric cars are the answer. In the meantime it's nice to know even a 401 can get 20+ mpg. And many AMC models were economy kings.
What about solar for homes? Admittedly I don't know much about it but hot water heat in itself has advantages. With full length baseboards it's quiet and cold spots are eliminated. Seems to me if new homes were built with more solar incorporated in them it would certainly be of benefit to relieving heating oil demands/costs.
What are your thoughts? Ideas? Opinions?
Last edited by Big Bad AMX; 03-28-2005 at 01:55 PM.
bumper sticker needed:
help support our troops impeach whats his name..
ok so i struck a nerve .. yeah we all like the old usa but the point is the thing at the commanders seat isnt doing his job .. we are getting taxed .opek is scfewing us like a makita 9.6 drill on a fresh recharge with plenty of spare batts..
sorry to bring up a political thread in my first post but its my required two cents . atleast thats all i have left after trying to top off my tank ..
is president bush gonna go down in history as the the president that promoted health care .clinton supported health care . as bush supports health care cost cuts .. but like attempting to blackmail us common folks into walking to get more excerscise?
nerve struck
btw i am the amcfreek two ee's in freek .. wanna ban me now? thats fine i can hack ....and i hate teh stoopid mouse right click script.. wanna see the jpgs?
oh yeah and that user agreement how we suposed to have anny fun on here?
chill my rants wont look so bad after the first 3 beers and a spell chexxor
Whatever you say man
 Originally Posted by amcfreek
bumper sticker needed:
help support our troops impeach whats his name..
ok so i struck a nerve .. yeah we all like the old usa but the point is the thing at the commanders seat isnt doing his job .. we are getting taxed .opek is scfewing us like a makita 9.6 drill on a fresh recharge with plenty of spare batts..
sorry to bring up a political thread in my first post but its my required two cents . atleast thats all i have left after trying to top off my tank ..
is president bush gonna go down in history as the the president that promoted health care .clinton supported health care . as bush supports health care cost cuts .. but like attempting to blackmail us common folks into walking to get more excerscise?
nerve struck
btw i am the amcfreek two ee's in freek .. wanna ban me now? thats fine i can hack ....and i hate teh stoopid mouse right click script.. wanna see the jpgs?
oh yeah and that user agreement how we suposed to have anny fun on here?
chill my rants wont look so bad after the first 3 beers and a spell chexxor
Wood Heat & Fast Cars
We can blame politicans all we wont , however let us not forget how they came to power. [ Those of us who voted & those of us who didn't.] Personally, I heated my whole house with wood this winter so I could waste all that fossil fuel on my AMX passion this summer. Also saved money on personal trainer. [You dont need one to split wood.]
P.S. Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't spell.
Fuel Costs, some questions?
Well, if oil is in such short supply why did BP post an 8 billion dollar profit and Shell a 24 billon dollar profit? If drilling for oil in Alaska is going to help, why didn't the original Alaska pipeline spell the end of Arab oil? Why is the Alaska pipeline oil going to Japan instead of the USA? Why is it that in this day and age the fuel mileage of vehicals is just a little better then it was 20 years ago? Is it believed that with GM, Ford, Chrysler and all the other manufacturers with thousands of engineers working every day that not one of them can get a "real" car to get 60 miles a gallon? Is it really the oil companies with their greed, or is it the government, that would really suffer if so much gas and diesel was not sold, since the taxes lost would be a fortune if vehicals would start getting good mileage?{Taxes to help pay for moron George's bullsh*t wars!} Why were 100's of oil wells drilled in eastern Ohio, struck oil, and then capped off? Why was Tom Ogle's fuel system, which was demonstated to a bunch of reporters as it got about 100 miles a gallon,{in a full size Ford with a 351 engine} put on the shelf after the company{or front company} said that it was not workable, after Tom Ogle, who lived a clean life, suddenly died of a drug overdose? ...........None of the alternative fuels will ever get marketed until the rich, the politicians, and other corporate slime can figure a way to funnel the profits into their overfull pockets at the expense of the public! But then, look what a poor excuse is currently in the White House, and see how it all falls together. God Help Us.....
...and another thing diesel fuel??
Does anyone have any info on the use of diesel fuel in a gasoline engine? From what little I found on this, the guy that did it, did it with glow plugs in a homemade carb that was installed on a 75 Olds Toronado, 455 engine that got 75 miles per gallon.....any info would be helpful...thanks for the space BB AMX!!!!!!!!!
 Originally Posted by Kem
Well, if oil is in such short supply why did BP post an 8 billion dollar profit and Shell a 24 billon dollar profit? If drilling for oil in Alaska is going to help, why didn't the original Alaska pipeline spell the end of Arab oil? Why is the Alaska pipeline oil going to Japan instead of the USA? Why is it that in this day and age the fuel mileage of vehicals is just a little better then it was 20 years ago? Is it believed that with GM, Ford, Chrysler and all the other manufacturers with thousands of engineers working every day that not one of them can get a "real" car to get 60 miles a gallon? Is it really the oil companies with their greed, or is it the government, that would really suffer if so much gas and diesel was not sold, since the taxes lost would be a fortune if vehicals would start getting good mileage?{Taxes to help pay for moron George's bullsh*t wars!} Why were 100's of oil wells drilled in eastern Ohio, struck oil, and then capped off? Why was Tom Ogle's fuel system, which was demonstated to a bunch of reporters as it got about 100 miles a gallon,{in a full size Ford with a 351 engine} put on the shelf after the company{or front company} said that it was not workable, after Tom Ogle, who lived a clean life, suddenly died of a drug overdose? ...........None of the alternative fuels will ever get marketed until the rich, the politicians, and other corporate slime can figure a way to funnel the profits into their overfull pockets at the expense of the public! But then, look what a poor excuse is currently in the White House, and see how it all falls together. God Help Us.....
I remember after the last big 'oil shortage' in '79 the so-called experts were telling us that at that current rate of usage we would be out of fuel by the year 2000. As in used up, no more. Hmmmm........so much for the experts.
Another thing that is a bunch of political B.S. is the number of different blends of gasoline that are being refined to meet different state environmental requirements. Something like 38 different blends for different states and one state can't use the other's blend? Here's an idea - how 'bout just one blend?
I can see the prices are being pushed up and regardless of supplies they won't be falling to any real degree. If we're willing to spend 2.30+ a gallon why would they charge 1.19? All us peasants are being played like a cheap fiddle.
 Originally Posted by Kem
Does anyone have any info on the use of diesel fuel in a gasoline engine? From what little I found on this, the guy that did it, did it with glow plugs in a homemade carb that was installed on a 75 Olds Toronado, 455 engine that got 75 miles per gallon.....any info would be helpful...thanks for the space BB AMX!!!!!!!!!
I've never heard of that one. I've heard of Model T's running on kerosene though. Back in the Depression kerosene was cheaper so some folks mixed it with gasoline to get by. Apparently it worked pretty well.
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