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Thread: Noise anxiety

  1. Default

    I also applied that after those things clouded my mind. And indeed is true - it is less stress when you don't think too much on things you cant control. Thanks for your thoughts.

  2. #12


    I would offer more tips if I know of any, but I just take things one day at a time now. I still plan for the future and such, but when life throws a curve ball, I go with it and adjust. Not worth stressing about what might happen or could happen. If it happens, you deal with it. Life is to short to stress all the time and more enjoyable when just enjoy it. I hope that makes sense.


  3. Default

    As of now, I do enjoy doing simple chores like cooking, which is I'm not good at. At least, I have something to look forward like hell yeah, what's the food for today lol

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