OK I have been reading all these posts for some time now. Lots of great information here, but haven’t found what I am looking for. I have a 1969 AMX 390 that has been in our family since 73 and it’s mine now. The car is untouched other than tires and brakes and I am going through it as a driver restoration. I am not interested in racing it, just weekend cursing and a little fun at the stop lights some time, the way I remember it as a kid.

The engine needs to be overhauled, still runs smooth but a fair amount of blue smoke, its time. I think to ensure it will run well on pump gas, will need to drop the compression a bit is what I get from this forum. I would like to keep the stock heads, will likely need new pistons any way. What would you all recommend for pistons, cam and the like.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.