I found my Pompeii Yellow 390 Go Pack in Huntington Beach, California, in 2001 and moved her to Cleveland, via Kentucky for a year, then Columbus for nearly a decade more. I'm attempting to keep my restoration as stock as possible, but am making compromises when practicality becomes necessary. So far, I've:
  • rebuilt the carb (after it spewed gas all over the engine, 100 miles from home)
  • returned the black stripes (one of the 3 previous owners had painted her blue)
  • replaced the carpet and added Dynamat everywhere (I could only find black at the time, I'm planning on returning to the tan/brown/saddle colors she originally had)
  • replaced the coil and plugs with an Accel Super Stack and 8.8mm wires
  • paid to have a Mallory Unilite distributor installed
  • paid to have the front suspension rebuilt (so it wasn't like driving on a waterbed anymore)
  • paid to have the valve covers replaced

I'm currently in the middle of:
  • replacing all battery cables
  • replacing the solenoid
  • cleaning the alternator
  • rebuilding the steering pump (thread asking for help on this one coming soon)

So...glad to be here, looking forward to tips and tricks, and sharing experiences.