An update to my previous post.

I have not been able to get my chrging system to work. I traced the problem to the voltage regulator. I purchased a new regulator and installed it. It worked for 3 days and then fried.

Through a bit of research and some direction from another forum I believe the problem to be my elimination of the "Idiot Light". When I installed the new harness I eliminated the idiot light because the installation instructions did not address the light, I didn't know how to add it to the new harness and I didn't think it was needed. This thinking appears to be wrong. The Motarola charging system needs the "Idiot Light" to function properly.

I found this during my search. It will be helpful getting the light back into the loop.

AMC/JEEP Motarola Charging System 1965-75

I hope this can be of use to any of you that plan on rewiring your cars.