this might be a little late in the game, but I hope you decided to stay with the bittersweet! I also think it is one of the nicest stock colors out there. The guy I consider my AMC "Yoda", mentioned that perticular color about 20 years ago to me as his desired color for the AMX, so I guess I am little bias. I wish my 70 Javelin was Bittersweet, It was originally a green metallic (harvest green?) ,but someone changed it to a nice red, unfortunately they did a lousy job, (taped off everything instead of removing, even the marker lights! arrgh! ). I guess I have to redo it right, with da Bitter Sweet!
Too many cars have been Big Bad color changed, They make a statement, but class is far better than loud, in my opinion. whatever your choice, enjoy! (big bad blue with the shadow mask?, hmmmm?)